@php $isLoggedIn = auth('account')->check(); $account = null; if ($isLoggedIn) { $account = auth('account')->user(); } @endphp @if (!$isLoggedIn || ($account && !$account->isEmployer()))
{{ __('Job Application') }}
{{ __('Please fill in your information and send it to the employer.') }}
{!! BaseHelper::clean(__('Your current resume :resume. Just upload a new resume if you want to change it.', ['resume' => Html::link(RvMedia::url($account->resume), $account->resume, ['target' => '_blank'])->toHtml()])) !!}
{!! BaseHelper::clean(__('Your current cover letter :cover_letter. Just upload a new cover letter if you want to change it.', ['cover_letter' => Html::link(RvMedia::url($account->cover_letter), $account->cover_letter, ['target' => '_blank'])->toHtml()])) !!}
{{ __('Job Application') }}
{{ __('Please fill in your information and send it to the employer.') }}